An online learning journey for hosts engaged in New Zealand's tourism-related enterprises


The Back to Life program will be taught and hosted by Anna Pollock and Michelle Holliday.


Based on an extensive career as a researcher, strategist and change catalyst serving the international tourism and hospitality sector, I’m passionate about its capacity to generate well-being, wealth and welfare for people and places, provided that it is managed properly, i.e. with respect for the interdependence and connectedness of all life and in harmony with the laws of nature.

Often described as being irrepressibly curious and creative, “ahead of her time”, and a “visionary”, I see myself as a change agent whose mission is to help clients and colleagues prepare for a very different future. Specifically, I believe that the industrial system on which tourism is based has run its course and needs replacing. I now work to serve those who wish to expedite that transformation.


As a consultant, facilitator, researcher and writer, my work centers around “thrivability” — a set of perspectives and practices based on a view of organizations and communities as dynamic, self-organizing living systems. On this foundation, I bring people together and help them discover ways they can feel more alive, connect more meaningfully with each other, and serve life more powerfully and effectively through their collective action.

After living in 19 cities, including Moscow, London, Paris, New York and a small town in Scotland, I combine brand strategy, employee engagement, facilitation and more in my home base of Montréal and around the world. My research, perspectives and practical experience are brought together in the highly acclaimed book, The Age of Thrivability: Vital Perspectives and Practices for a Better World.

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Programme Overview
Benefits & Outcomes
How to Register